Thursday, May 23, 2013

it's beginning to look a lot like suuuummer!

Ciao amici!

Thank Jesus it's almost the end of school. Only 10 days left, including the last one where we don't even have class. To go or not to go, that is the question. Ir o no ir, eso es la pregunta. (;

Ah, so many wonderful distractions in life that you just have to take advantage of. Speaking of distractions, guess who is just scraping by this last marking period. By "just scraping by", most people think I'd have a 61% in every class. Ha. Nope. I actually only have 3 B's as of now that I'm trying to boost up or just maintain. On the bright side, I have an A in math which has never happened before. So let's just be happy with that. *loud applause*

For the end of May, the past week has been almost 90 degrees in the afternoon. One of the few things that I don't like about summer; the undying heat. Hot weather also means shorter shorts on girls who can not pull them off, and every single newsfeed on every social media site I own will soon me "bathing suit tanning lol #yolo" crap. YAY FOR SUMMER!

I plan on spending summer inside on my computer, learning (you guessed it), ITALIAN. My mom has to work on weekdays and I can't drive. I am within walking distance to my work, which I don't get paid for. So it's basically learn Italian or go do physical labor for free. Not that I'm complaining. I'd rather be there than pretending to like people I went to school with. Just sayin'.



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