Friday, April 19, 2013

Pet Peeves

Since I'm using this as a personal blog as well as a travel, I have decided to write about one of the things I've been thinking very deeply about: my pet peeves. Tonight at a meeting for my youth group's mission trip to Nashville, we were discussing our pet peeves. Mine were odd and they were very long, so here they are.
  1. Slow Walkers. Today, as I was hauling to get to my locker and back to class before the bell rang, I got stuck behind 4 couples holding hands and walking at the same pace grass grows. I am thinking about installing a slow and fast lane for this school. If you want to snog with your boyfriend/girlfriend, do it NEVER. At least when everyone can see you. Earth to love birds, around corners of school hallway intersections where people can and will run into you is NOT acceptable. 
  2. People who cut you off while you're talking. I'm sorry, did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours? Your "hilarious" little comment can wait.
  3. Immature kids in my classes that laugh at serious things. Lately, we've been studying China in my World Cultures class. The imbeciles in my class laugh when the people in the informational videos speak Chinese because apparently the sound of something foreign deserves to be made fun of. I mean really. Secondly, if you are making stupid noises, talking, texting, or all of the above during a presentation, we can not be friends.
  4. Bad grammar. If you are above the age of 10 and have a Facebook, for the love of all that's holy, be weary of what you're trying to say. If you spell "Pennsylvania", "pensilvannia" I will snap. Only mentioning that reference because I've seen it more than once. 
  5. When "gay" and "retard" are used to describe something. People in this world are indeed homosexual and mentally/physically challenged. The words "gay" and "retard" shouldn't be used to describe your friends, your phone, your xbox, anything. The last time I checked, Call of Duty was no where near homosexual. Every time I hear someone say that word, I cringe. 
  6. Americans who blame everything on the Middle East. Nuff said. 'Murica.
  7. People with no respect for culture, history, or the arts. I'm sorry, but the last time I checked, you're part of a culture, you see the arts every day, and you wouldn't be here without the grand historical events that made us what we are today. Put some big kid pants on and learn it.
  8. People who cut in line. All the time at lunch, people will deliberately cut in line. Not because their friends are there, just because they are too impatient to wait an extra 5 minutes, maximum. A few weeks ago, being the freshman that I am, was almost to the counter when a sophomore came up and tried to cut right in front of me. YOU ARE AN UNDERCLASSMAN JUST LIKE I AM. Last year at this time, you were here. 
  9. People who think they're God's gift to creation. I am a theater buff, and this happens ALL THE TIME. When the wrong person gets the bigger part, you'll never hear the end of it. Even 2 months after the final performance. Then there's the people who talk because they think they are helping others and others enjoy it, but in reality, we are mentally setting their soul on fire. 
  10. Chipping nail polish.  I am one of those people who when they get one chip on their nail, they have to scrape off all 10 fingers worth of polish. So yes, I am that jerk that leaves my paint chippings all over where you are sitting and your desk. 
  11. Biased history books. You really don't see much in the textbooks from the 70's, more on websites. You try and do ONE report on nuclear power and all that comes up is how awful it is and Chernobyl. Really, people. Get it together.
  12. The song "Heart and Soul". This is the song I believe is every musician's nightmare, because everyone who doesn't know how to play piano, knows this bloody song. If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's probably best. You've had to have heard it before. It makes my heart cry.
  13. Small, loud, obnoxious dogs. If you own more than 3 dogs that are all under 50 pounds, shut them up. Eleven at night is not the time to have howling contests.
  14. Ignorance. Do I NEED an explanation?\
Last but not least.....

   15.Taylor Swift. I literally have wrote a 20 page book titled "Why I'd Rather be Kicked by a Kangaroo Repeatedly in the Head than Listen to Taylor Swift". It has gotten so horribly worse over these years. I liked her at one point when "Our Song" was the biggest hit out there. Pretty sure that was fourth grade. I also had a Hannah Montana obsession back then, so you see where my priorities were. Along with the woman and her ear-demolishing music, come her devoted fan base. They will buy into anything she has to offer. My new personal favorite? The semi-brand new song "22" that made me CRY. Flat out CRY. It was so dang horrible I cried. As soon as she said hipsters. Where has this world gone....I don't know. I'm just praying they don't love her in Italy as much as they do here. 

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