In 3 days, I will be away for a month...1/10 of it already come and gone and it feels like I was sitting in pointless Philadelphia traffic this morning...
Let's kick this intro into the second month off with a list of pointless things about America I miss:
- TURKEY HILL ICED TEA. (what did I tell you, it always is number one in my heart)
- Showers every day/air conditioning.
- my school. I really enjoy Italian school but really, I do miss my Solanco.
- a working cell phone
Is it good that only 4 things come to mind that I miss? I think so. MOOOOOVING ON.
Italian school summed up into 4 words: cigarettes, screaming, doppelgangers, and bad haircuts.
Many, many, many Italian kids smoke. I'm talking about 80% of my school. After turning down the dozens of cigarettes offered to me in the past month, I've had the reasoning behind it explained to me.
You know back in the third or fourth grade when you had a specialist come into your classroom and hammering those pictures of tar-coated lungs from smokers down your throat and telling you that smoking is never cool? The kids in Italy obviously never had that lecture. It is legitimately considered a "cool thing" here in Italy. There are 13 and 14 year old kids lighting up cancer sticks for the sake of being cool. I die every day walking outside on break and seeing people everywhere smoking, rolling their own cigarettes, trying to find a lighter, slowly killing themselves at such a young age. Can't we just all drink espresso and eat personal pizzas without setting something on fire?
The Italians do not have conversations. They have limb flailing, synchronized screaming festivals. My host sister, Gaia, is part of her school's representative branch, and they normally have meetings in our house. Today, we had one and I sat in because I like a lot of the people there even if they don't speak English. They are supposed to be talking about issues in the school but in reality it's 6 people screaming over each other and tossing their hands around like they're conducting an orchestra. It's one of the funniest/most terrifying things you can witness firsthand.
DOPPELGANGERS. Basically I've come to the conclusion that everyone has an identical twin and they can be found in southern Europe. So far, 4 of my classmates look like people from my American school, there's a first or second year that has Harry Styles' face, and a fifth year that looks like my world cultures teacher from last year. I will some day impose selfies with all of them.
Bad haircuts....too many of them.
It's 8:15 here and we are about to eat dinner.
Keep talking with your hands and I'll see you next time!
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