Wednesday, March 19, 2014

que pasa

Hello world and all who inhabit it!

I know my frequency of blog entries has decreased immensely compared to the frequency I maintained in America, but something happened called "I got a life". Sorta. So, here is what is coming up soon that you should know about and why I probably won't make another post for awhile.
  1. LA SETTIMANA DI SCAMBIO (Exchange Week). There's a week in certain regions of AFS Italy that you can choose to go to a different part of Italy for a week, to live with another family, normally you get to see one of the bigger cities, etc. So, from March 23rd to 30th, I am going to Bergamo, Italy. I will be with a group of kids I don't know (or at least haven't seen in a long time) and I will take a day trip to either Milan or Verona (if I am allowed to choose, I will choose Verona.
ISOLE EOLIE In the beginning of April, I will go on a 3 day, 2 night trip with my amazing Italian class to the Aeolian Islands off the coast of Northern Sicily (they're a part of Italy). It's a group of 7 islands, one of which is named Stromboli. There is yet another active volcano within these islands, and even though it's technically a scholastic trip I am praying that we will be able to at least walk on the beaches.

ROMA!!!!11!!!1!!!1 Since I am one ragazza fortunata with an amazing chapter, me and 6 of the other 7 AFSers in my chapter are going to Rome in May from the 15th to the 17th. Do I really have to put in google pictures of Rome? I will anyways.

So that's what's up. See you at the end of May!

I may or may not be joking.

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